Environmental Education


Our Environmental Education program was developed as a response to the significant environmental issues that our planet is currently facing. In Callisto we approach Environmental Education as a tool for the protection and preservation of our natural habitat. By promoting education and awareness around environmental issues, , we hope to contribute towards   the protection of the environment and the preservation of our natural habitat.


Towards that goal: 

  • We design, develop and implement environmental education programs which are addressed to pupils of all grades and their teachers. We place a lot of emphasis on activities that involve experiential learning, allowing children to actively engage in the process of developing environmental awareness, through various activities and games.
  • We participate in festivals and other  events which involve environmental education activities for all ages   
  • We organise educational activities for adults, (including educating those working in protected Areas, farmers and livestock  breeders on environmental issues, and training scientists from Greece and other Balkan countries in techniques and methods for protecting and managing the natural habitat).
  • We cooperate with schools to provide educational material  to support   their environmental programs, or by having our own educators teach one of our programs in the classroom*.

For more information you can download our environmental education materials, which (depending on the module) may include leaflets, suggested field activities, video footages and/or digital applications.  

* Availability depends on the programs and modules included in our annual plan.